Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dear snow, please come soon.

So I know it's gonna be another 2 months before I even have a chance of seeing a snowflake, unless of course mother nature goes loco and sends some white fluffy stuff early. Every day, at some point throughout the day, my boyfriend or I pop a shred flick in the dvd player and stare in sadness that we can't be experiencing the same joy that the snow is giving the riders on tv.

There are SO many good films out there, my new favorite being Factor Films' "They Came From...". This video is INSANE! The riding is awesome... more than awesome actually... some of the tricks I'd never even seen before, and the video editing is just plain badass. Of course, it doesn't beat the awesome producers from Knife Show Inc. Those KS vids are absolutely ridiculous.

As far as p90x goes... I'm on day 4. I did the yoga this morning, and let me tell you... it's hardcore! I couldn't even finish the video because I was so sore from the past few days and some of the positions they were doing was just plain crazy. I'll get there one day though... hopefully by the end of the 90 days I'll be able to do every video with grace! haha. We'll see about that. All I know is that I've GOT to get in good shape for this season. There's so many new tricks I want to learn and things I want to accomplish.

Well that's all for now. If you've suffered through reading this entire long post, then thank you and keep checking back! The closer it gets to shred season, the more snowboarding-related material I'll be posting.

For all you peeps who can get on some snow right now, happy shredding!

For everyone else... peace out!

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