Saturday, May 7, 2011

Where'd the Snow Go?

What the fuck.

Where did the all the snow go? It seems like yesterday I was shreddin' the
mountain, report to lineup, shred the mountain, report to lineup, shred the
mountain, finally get a lesson, shred the mountain some more, then
get off work and celebrate the daily beer:30 with a PBR at the View Haus
bar with my boyfriend and other instructors and friends.
Sleep. Repeat. Sleep. Repeat. Sleep. Repeat. From late November till mid-March.

And then... BAM!

It's May, opening day at Club I work at is tomorrow, and all the white stuff is gone.
For the next 6 months, I will slave away serving the mostly older Jewish
crowd their pork chops, have some good times, have some days I want
to scream, have some more good times and pray for snow.

Once the Club closes in October, the countdown will start till shred season!

Don't get me wrong, I do love summer, I just love winter way way more.
I love hiking, mountain biking, camping trips, and summertime bonfires,
but the whole time, in the back of my mind, I'm thinking of tree runs,
pow slashes, stomping that rail trick, and cruisin' down the mountain
with friends.

I can only dream of one day being able to have a never-ending
winter, chase the snow around the globe, and to you lucky bastards that are
doing that... cheers to you!

Happy Shredding Everyone!

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